Jad Salameh Trio

Alternative jazz

Jad Salameh Trio - Alternative jazz
As part of the festival: Entre Deux Rives Festival
  • Wednesday July, 5th 2023
  • 7:00 PM
  • 38Riv
  • Full price : 22 €
    Reduced price : 17 €
    PJC member price : 17 €

"The creation of the album "We Lunatics Run the Asylum" is a way of expressing in music the omnipresent dichotomy in our current state, this state of tug-of-war between a slow madness that settles into our daily post-apocalyptic reality and the need to regain sanity in the escape and refuge of our art. Each composition on the disc represents a stage of humanity, illustrating our past, present and possible future, through "passive" observation of our current situation, denial of it, the point of no return, regret, the last effort of resistance, abandonment and acceptance. Fragility, beauty, anger, nostalgia and disappointment, we find the chromaticism of our human emotions, illustrated musically and conceptually throughout each track of the album. The album echoes who I am as a Lebanese-Canadian citizen living in France: as a migrant, I am a helpless observer of the dramatic humanitarian, political and economic collapse of my native country, and its acceleration exacerbated by the explosion in the Port of Beirut on August 4, 2020. It allows me to take back in hand the narration of an unbearable story and create an outlet for this bit of madness that is slowly settling deep inside myself." Jad Salameh

Jad Salameh:19 piano
Arthur Henn: contrabass
Kevin Lucchetti: drums



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