Adèle Viret Quartet

Contemporary jazz

Adèle Viret Quartet - Contemporary jazz
  • Saturday August, 5th 2023
  • 9:30 PM
  • 38Riv
  • Full price : 25 €
    Reduced price : 20 €
    PJC member price : 20 €

To compose the marrow of this first quartet adventure, Adèle Viret chose to return to the piano of her childhood, to celebrate the ordinary, the customary. From this spontaneous impulse, she wove a canvas around which to blend her cello and the voices of three musicians close to her heart. A chamber music atmosphere unfolds, in which role-sharing, relay and permutation are as essential as a generous dose of mischief and daring. We sail tenderly between horizons that seem to be bathed in Mediterranean shores, or others where the sky is more uncertain, stormy perhaps. And as we sail along, we hear tides, wide-open spaces and youthful roll!
Text: Robin Mercier

Adèle Viret: cello, compositions
Wajdi Riahi: piano
Oscar Viret: trumpet
Pierre Hurty: drums



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