Lisa Spada

Lisa Spada - Photo : Annsophie Lombrail
Annsophie Lombrail

Lisa Spada looks back at her entire repertoire, exploring her first 3 albums (Third Shot, Family Tree, I Rise) with Yoann Danier (Drums), Swaéli Mbappé (Bass), Nicholas Vella (Piano) and Ralph Lavital (Guitar). Still marked by soul, Lisa Spada continues her journey, this time turning towards jazz. The emulation of this new quintet will undoubtedly offer new surprises to its Parisian audience accustomed to its performances for more than 15 years. 

“Lisa Spada is an essential figure for anyone interested in soul in France (...) Lisa Spada demonstrates a stunning mastery of the registers of her voice, a subtle interpretative talent in the service of the pieces, where the very real virtuoso flights remain contained within a modest restraint. An eclectic singer, she mixes influences, jazz, hip-hop, electro, but remains anchored in soul, a music whose depths she has integrated and analyzed the social and cultural dimensions.” - based on and extracts from an article by Pauline Guedj - Politis 

Lisa Spada (Vocals), Yoann Danier (Drum), Swaéli Mbappé (Bass), Nicholas Vella (Piano),
Ralph Lavital (Guitar).



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