
Afro-jazz funk

Zangbeto - Afro-jazz funk
As part of the festival: Jazz Sur Seine 2024
  • Tuesday October, 22nd 2024
  • 9:30 PM
  • 38Riv
  • Full price : 22 €
    Reduced price : 17 €
    PJC member price : 17 €

- As part of the Jazz Sur Seine festival

The group Zangbeto was born in 2021 from the meeting of three young Togolese musical prodigies, Joachim Amouzou on piano, Honoré Dafo on bass and Henoch Fafadji on drums, during an artistic residency with Togolese musician Peter Solo of the group Vaudou Game.

Their current album project is the fruit of a meeting at the Togoville jazz festival between these talented Togolese musicians and French trumpeter Félicien Bouchot, member of the Keystone Big Band, Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra, Skokiaan Brass Band, Bigre !...

This work led to a first tour and the recording of the first album "EZO" ("fire" in the Ewe language) in January 2024 (Sunset, Crescent Jazz Club, Altitude Jazz Festival, Périscope...).

In Togo, fire is used in voodoo rituals to honor and communicate with the spirits. Through their music, the Zangbeto group wishes to pay tribute to this element of fire.

Joackim Amouzou: piano
Honoré Dafo: bass
Henoch Fafadji: drums
Romain Baret: guitar
Félicien Bouchot: trumpet



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