Pierre Guicquero Quartet

Pierre Guicquero Quartet

Pierre Guicquéro (tuba, vocals) has been recognized and appreciated for his musical quality for over twenty-five years on the French jazz scene, "He is one of those self-effacing but brilliant musicians who populate the various French jazz orchestras" (F.W. Sportis - JazzHot).

He plays or has played in many prestigious bands such as: PG Project, Sac à Pulses, Paris Swing Orchestra, Robeurt Fenek MISB, Longnon Big-Band, Be-Bop Stompers, l'Anachronic Jazz Band, Georges 5, Blackstone Orchestra, Spirit Of Chicago, Soul Serenade, Big-Band Trio.

To accompany him on this adventure, he has surrounded himself with exceptional musicians:

Jérôme Brajtman: guitar
François Brunel: guitar
Dominique Mollet: double bass
In the style of the Ruby Braff, George Barnes quartet, they swing each standard to the rhythm of the guitars over a steely tempo of the double bass.
Come and see us in concert or discover us through videos available on our website.

Price on site : 18 €


December 2024 / January 2025

The Jazz Guide of Paris and its region
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