Marion Rampal & Pierre-François Blanchard

A striking musical alchemy, an emotion, a poetic and intimate journey.

Marion Rampal & Pierre-François Blanchard - A striking musical alchemy, an emotion, a poetic and intimate journey. - Photo : RB

Singer, songwriter, Marion Rampal weaves a link between memory and invention, word and melody, popular African-American music and Western classical roots. Preventing people from humming in circles, too madly in love with music to put it away in watertight boxes, Marion Rampal, like Nina Simone or Joni Mitchell, does as she pleases, which she keeps as close to the stars as to her heart…
Having grown up in a family of music lovers near Marseille, she was steeped in various influences from a very young age, from jazz to blues to classical music and French song. Her unique vocal timbre and her ability to move her audience go straight to the heart.
Alongside pianist Pierre-François Blanchard, Marion Rampal explores rich and varied sound territories. Known for his virtuosity and keen sense of improvisation, he brings depth and sensitivity to their performances. Together, they create a striking musical alchemy, where each note tells a story, each chord evokes an emotion. Their collaboration is a poetic and intimate journey.

Pierre-François Blanchard : piano



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