Hello Baba

Hello Baba

In the name of love

With warm greetings to you dear friends

We are privileged to embark on a musical journey once again, weaving a brilliant and unforgettable tapestry of the ancient culture and civilization of Iran and the Eastern world, and the enchanting art that has captivated hearts.
The music group « Hello Baba », led by Master Vahid Ayrian, singer, composer, and player of the mesmerizing Tanbur instrument, is honored to be your host you with your warmth and passionate presence in our European Sufi Fusion concert tour this year. By creating and combining traditional music styles with fresh melodies in a mystical atmosphere, accompanied by the harmonious performance of Tanbur player lovers and the performers of the spiritual dance of Sama (Sufi whirling), we are looking forward to share this experience with you.

Those who have experienced the warm gatherings of Sufi music are well aware of the intoxication, passion, and atmosphere that arises from the « pure energy » of being present in the sacred moment of « now » and the high collective synergy. May this experience also, open new horizons for those who are encountering such profound joy for the first time.

The Hello Baba group, with their approach of « music in travel and journey through music », which has so far mostly toured in the East, countries such as Iran, India, and Turkey (Konya, the city of Rumi), and this year, for the first time, they are coming to Europe for their audiences.

Dear friends, you are invited to Amsterdam, Netherlands, Paris, France and the cities of Hamburg, Bremen and Hanover, Germany.
With your warm presence, be the light of the way of this romantic gathering.

The artists of Hello Baba band :

Vahid Airian, the leader of the group, composer, singer and musician

Tanbur players and singers

Leila Yakanizadeh Nasreen Abdulvand

Zahra Gamari
Sarina Amrollahi Buyki
Babak Shamsini Ghiyasvand Mohammadreza Alizadeh Dargahi Alireza Rostami Juryabi

Daf Player
Mohsen Kakavand Nawazde

Def Guitar player
Ali Basel

Sama Dancer(Sufi whirling)

Shahrzad Sharif



The Jazz Guide of Paris and its region
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